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Tools used for deployment

On the lunch time, I discussed with my colleagues on the topic how to build web server cluster. Then  we made a joke: if you grasp the skills , it isn't needed to look for a job in your left life, because sure that there are many big famous companies, such as google, microsoft,and sina, invite you to join their team.

Actually, this topic is one of I am most interesting in.

OK, let me introduce several tools used for it.

 it is a full-featured Web proxy cache,and free, open-source software, based on this, the result of many contributions by unpaid (and paid) volunteers .
 let us take a look at its detailed function
  •     proxying and caching of HTTP, FTP, and other URLs
  •     proxying for SSL
  •     cache hierarchies
  •     ICP, HTCP, CARP, Cache Digests
  •     transparent caching
  •     WCCP (Squid v2.3 and above)
  •     extensive access controls
  •     HTTP server acceleration
  •     SNMP
  •     caching of DNS lookups
 (Some information from its official site)

 As its official site said, systemImager is software which automates Linux installs, software distribution, and production deployment. SystemImager is a part of System Installation Suite.
SystemImager makes it easy to do automated installs (clones), software distribution, content or data distribution, configuration changes, and operating system updates to your network of Linux machines. You can even update from one Linux release version to another!
It can also be used to ensure safe production deployments. By saving your current production image before updating to your new production image, you have a highly reliable contingency mechanism. If the new production enviroment is found to be flawed, simply roll-back to the last production image with a simple update command!
Some typical environments include: Internet server farms, database server farms, high performance clusters, computer labs, and corporate desktop environments.
 (Some information from its official site)

To Be Continued...

See Also

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